Sunday, November 4, 2018

Quarter 1 Final Assignment

The painting is a fairly accurate representation of the American flag, in encaustic on collaged paper and fabric, a favorite medium for Johns. But the artist approached the flag with the gestural hand of   like  , eschewing the crisp, clear coloring and delineations of America’s national symbol in favor of rougher edges and a textured, impasto surface.As such, Flag calls into question its relationship to the American flag: Is Flag, in fact, a flag? Is it a representation of a flag? Is every American flag simply a representation of some predetermined notion of the American flag, a mere reflection of an idea? 
Take an object. Do something to it. Do something else to it. Do something else to it. 

-  (Jasper Johns)

This week, students will make a final piece. 

They will consider placement, titles, and the role of exhibition has in connection with their work.  

1.  Typography

2.  Seltzer Water Project/Advertising/Graphic Design

3.  Image Enlargement/Painting/Coloring

4.  Collage/Dadaism

5.  2D to 3D (clay, cardboard, Felt, Found Object, Etc.) or 3D to 2D

6.  Observation Drawing

7.  Camera Angles (Perspective Drawing Review)

8.  8 Page Booklets/Character Design

Looking back at all our projects, do a final project that combines what you learned from three of the following eight lessons.  

For examples, a student could make a collage, enlarge it and then paint a neat typography on top of it.  


A student could make an 8 page mini comic using a lot of different typography, make a 3D figurine of the main character.  


A student could make a collage on a seltzer water bottle and then do an observation drawing of it.  

IF YOU CANNOT DECIDE, ROLL A D8 three times and correspond your results to the above assignments.  

You will be graded based upon your engagement in class, which should be the whole class.  You will be graded based upon how much exploration of materials you showcase in the studio art room.  You will be graded based upon the reflections you make on today's opening question.  Please write a 4-6 sentence response to the question.  

Question:  How does your final art project reflect what you have learned this quarter?  

More Jasper Johns-