Thursday, December 20, 2018

Drawing Exercises

1.  Receive a Camera Angle handout.  Fold it into 8ths (following the directions being given at the front of the class) and read through it once folded.  Understand the camera angles presented in the handout.

2.  Watch Fantasia 2000's "Rhapsody in Blue" Animation.  Raise your hand when you see one of the Camera Angles from the handout on the screen.  We will freeze the screen and take 6 minutes to draw what is on the screen, therefore practicing the Camera angle.

3.  Once the movie is over, return to the Fantasia Drawings from yesterday (the drawing's made that were inspired by music.)


Look at your drawings.  While the music is playing again, on a separate piece of paper, answer the following questions about your drawing.

1.  What season is this picture taking place in?
2.  What is the temperature?
3.  What are people wearing?
4.  What time of day is it?
5.  Where on Earth is this scene happening?  Is it happening on Earth?

After answering these five questions about your Fantasia Drawing, come up with five questions of your own about the Fantasia drawing and answer those.  You should have 10 questions answered total.

Once your 10 questions are answered, using your answer, draw your Fantasia Drawing again considering the details of what you wrote.  If you prefer to SCULPT an element from your Fantasia Drawing, please do so and leave in the plastic bin by the end of the day so it can be baked.

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